INDOORTECH Our company deals with the production, distribution and construction of door and window systems on an international level.
Our products are a combination of the best technological solutions on the market and the experience of highly trained professionals.
more than quality Smart home Digital foil watch video
Smart home watch video Smart home, motorized, remotely controlled aluminum shutter and shutter systems. automation half hand accordion door Indoortech accordion door Easy to use, perfect harmony with the environment.
Aluminum folding door based on the latest technologies.
Connection with the outside world sliding systems Smart home watch video
sliding systems The latest technology aluminum lifting-pushing and pushing-tilting system is both a guarantee and a great solution for everyone who wants modern solutions and elegance, easy operation and simplicity, great room for maneuver, a lot of light and comfort, while maintaining safety and quality modern elegance in your home interior door accordion door watch video Interior door SEM LUX interior doors perfectly satisfy the tastes of people looking for modern, fresh design ideas. The high-quality design and wide range of colors emphasize the sophisticated elegance of a living room, bedroom, kitchen or bathroom door. Veneered surfaces are covered with ecological UV varnish, be it full or glass. It is much more resistant to scratches and the effects of light than conventional varnishes. From foil to X-ray digital foil sliding systems watch video digital foil Smart film for the offices and homes of the future.
Digital film, also known as smart or smart, is a layer that can be attached to a glass surface, giving a completely new function to surfaces.
You can simultaneously enchant your privacy with glass-separated spaces and touch screens that allow for the interface.
shading of future Indoortech interior door watch video
our videos smart home accordion door sliding systems Interior door Catalogs digital foil Indoortech
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First in everything. Learn more Request for quotation cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Learn more Request for quotation Nor can the imagination set boundaries. cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Learn more Learn more Request for quotation Request for quotation Trained in fire. The king of the office. It surpasses everything. cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Learn more Request for quotation Millions have chosen it. cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Learn more Request for quotation High quality. cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Learn more Request for quotation Unique in a passive house. cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Learn more Request for quotation Entrance doors. Decorative panels. cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Learn more Learn more A greener home. Exclusive design. The shadow of everyday life. Request for quotation Request for quotation cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Learn more Smart foil Learn more Request for quotation Request for quotation Automation half hand. Smart home. The shading technology of the future. cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Interior doors Everything that is standard. From foil to x-ray. Learn more Request for quotation cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Indoortech s.r.o. General terms and conditions Privacy policy 851 07, Bratislava – Petrzalka Betliarska 3769/12
Tax number: SK2121094591
Company registration number: 52 613 917
+36 70 394 1583
+421 908 919 031
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Contacts Products More than quality Catalogs Aluminium systems Plastic systems Entrance doors Smart home Interior doors Shading technology